HOYLE Engineering is a company working in the field of mechanical engineering. It was founded in 1999 by Jon Hoyle in Stuttgart, Germany

HOYLE Engineering plans, develops and designs products according to your guidelines from the concept to the finished product. You profit from many years of experience in the following areas:

  • Manufacturing systems engineering
  • Mechanical engineering
  • Specialised mechanical equipment
  • Automation
  • Assembly and handling technology
  • Rationalisation in the field of reengineering

From the concept through design and production drawings to photo-realistic images for presentations and marketing. HOYLE Engineering is your partner for the development of new products and systems.

Irrespective of your working field, you will receive creative solutions in the areas of concepts, planning and design from one contact. Together we will create the optimal solution for your problems, open to the future with a systematised approach.

We are looking forward to hearing from you soon! Also in the case of short notice orders we react fast, flexibly and uncomplicatedly.

You can receive further information if you send us an email or contact Mr Hoyle personally (Tel: +49(0)711/68643-907).